Personal site
Personal / 2023You're looking at it :o) A personal site to show off some of my commercial and personal projects.

I am an experienced Full Stack Developer who uses HTML, CSS and TypeScript to create accessible and usable websites and applications.
You're looking at it :o) A personal site to show off some of my commercial and personal projects.
REST API created using Express.js and a MongoDB database. Multiple endpoints are available to retrieve, submit, update and delete player information, along with Swagger documentation and a Postman collection for testing.
A simple CRUD application. Data is stored in a MongoDB database and is made available via a small REST API created using the in-built API routes provided by Next.js.
Auto complete input built with a strong focus on accessibility. As the user types, matching results are returned from a data source. Support added for screen readers which announces instructions for use, how many results are available, and which result has been selected.
A single-page web app which provides authenticated users an aggregate of their recent activity on the main Experian Marketplace site. Users are shown product results from their most recent search, plus suggestions of other products which may be of interest to them.
A large-scale web app which allows users to search for, and compare, credit cards and loans.
The front-end communicated with a huge range of RESTful microservices which were used to manage user authentication, profile information, and product results (amongst many other things).
The app was covered by extensive unit and automation tests, and hooked into a CI/CD pipeline built on AWS, which allowed us to release multiple times a day.
A simple landing page built to promote Experian's Boost proposition, whereby users can potentially improve their credit score by giving Experian a better view of their financial situation by connecting to Open Banking functionality.
One of the largest websites in Europe, the front-end code for this UK Government website was required to be highly accessible, and was built on top of a .Net/Sharepoint solution. We had regular input from groups such as R.N.I.B and AbilityNet, and would implement updates based on their recommendations and audits.
I've been working in web development since 2004, back when all this was just fields and we had to use a whole manner of nasty hacks to get our CSS working.
In that time I have worked on a wide range of projects, from small brochure-ware microsites through to enterprise-level single-page web apps serving millions of users
I am passionate about web accessibility and how to build for assistive technologies. I'm also a big fan of good testing, sensible code, and striving for simple solutions to complex problems.